Saturday, September 17, 2011

Philippians 2:14

I'm having a Philippians 2:14 kind of day. You know, one of those days where you have to keep reciting Philippians 2:14 in your head to remind you not to complain. I posted on Facebook a little bit ago that I was having one of 'those' days, and when a friend responded with a kind message I broke down in tears. It really is one of 'those' days. I know that I'm not suppose to complain, and I don't really think that venting is biblical, unless of course you are venting to God, and casting your cares on Him (1 Peter 5:7). But what is a girl to do on one of these days, where the smallest thing makes you break down?

I love my kids, I love being home with them all of the time, and I really don't want to trade it for the world, but I'm just overwhelmed! My writing career is taking off, but it's hard to concentrate with kids arguing over who gets to play with a certain block of clay! Part of me thinks that I should just set my career aside until the kids are older, but that means a drop in income, and at our current state, that might cost us supper ever other night. Another part of me thinks putting the children back into public school would give me the time that I need to get things done, but the very thought makes me sick to my stomach. So the last part of me is left thinking that there has to be a way to make this work! Which of course brings me to Matthew 19:26 and Philippians 4:13.

Sigh, and all of this is written to procrastinate because I'm having trouble getting my work done that is due today. So. I should go. Philippians 2:14.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I need your help!

My son loves telling people that I am an editor, and that always springs on tons of questions. So I thought it was time to have some business cars. Thankfully, Mr. Amazing is a graphic designer, and he was more than happy to make up some rough drafts for me to look at last night. The problem I am having is that they are all so good, I could never choose!!!

Can you help me? Which one do you like best? I asked some friends and got votes for all of them!

Oh, and I created a facebook page for my writing and editing. This blog isn't linked to it, but if you want to check it out, your more than welcome to!

Monday, September 12, 2011

21 days of romance

Strengthen me with raisins, refresh me with apples, for I am faint with love. ~ Song of Solomon 2:5

It's Mr. Monday again! Well, technically it's almost over. I have been super busy, but thinking about my wonderful Mr. Amazing all day! Partly because he was home from work after getting a nasty chemical burn on his foot yesterday :( and partly because it's Mr. Monday and I was trying to figure out what wonderful things I could share! One of the ladies at my church unknowingly helped me out with that when she posted her blog post today. She is doing 21 days of romancing her husband! What a great idea! I'm going to join with her, and I hope you will too. (You can read her post here)

Would you care to join us on this journey of romancing our husbands? I'd love for you to let me know and share some ideas for ways to romance our Mr.'s! I use to be really good at this, but I know I have been slacking lately :( I did drop a love note into his lunch for tomorrow though :D

Friday, September 9, 2011

Rest areas, strangers, and showers

We just got back from our vacation, and I'm not back up on days of the week yet, but I'm pretty sure it's still Friday, and that you all will get a kick out of this. For our vacation every year, we drive to Iowa. This is an 11 hour drive without children. However, when you add children, it ends up to be much, MUCH longer. So on this extremely long trip, we stop at lots of rest area's and meet/encounter lots of other travelers. Well, on this trip, one rest stop will forever remain in my memory. Burnt there to make me laugh and want to throw up at the same time...
We were driving through Nebraska on I-80 when Ella expressed her need to pee. Of course we stopped at the first available place, which was a rest area. It was even a nice rest area (as most of the ones in Nebraska are). There was a beautiful lake, and some play equipment for the kids, however all of that would have to wait. Ella made a mad dash for the bathroom and I trailed after her. My friend Nita, who we were helping move back to Colorado, would follow with Alexa when they were out of the van, but Ella couldn't wait.

So, I got into the rest room, and located the stall that held my child. There was only one other woman in the bathroom, so I left the door open a bit so that Alexa could find us then turned my attention to Ella. I hear Alexa run into the bathroom and call for me, and call out to let her know where we were. Apparently not fast enough, as I hear the voice of a woman say hello. I stick my head out the stall the door to see her on her hands and knees with her head under the door of the only other occupied stall! I call her back, and apologize profusely to this poor traveler, who said she completely understood. She must have been a grandmother. Nita came in about this time, Alexa had ran ahead of her and she didn't think there was a need to chase after her as I was already in there.

Once I had both of my dear daughters in the stall with me, Ella said she was done, so I got some toilet paper, leaned over her to help her wipe and was in the middle of asking her to lean forward a bit when the toilet spontaneously flushed. And this was one of those spastic toilets that shoots the water 4 feet into the air (no exaggeration necessary). Let's just say that Ella got a full shower, but lucky little me, I only got my face washed, and because I know you're wondering, no, I did not get my mouth closed in time...

After I semi regained brain activity, I finished wiping my daughter, dried off her back, hair, and my face with toilet paper, pulled her off the potty and huddled my children in the corner while it flushed again. I then wiped the seat, now soaked with water, down so that my other daughter could go (being much more careful with the positioning of my head this time) and the repeating the speed of light huddle in the corner again.

I then washed my mouth out as best as possible, washed my face, chewed some gum, and spit profusely for the next 20 minutes. And let everyone enjoy a good laugh at my expense of course. :p

For more Friday Funnies, visit Kim's blog:
Homesteader's Heart