BookSneeze was the first blogging program I heard of where you could get free books. This is the review program for Thomas Nelson. They have some GREAT authors that work for them, but on the other hand they have some very unbiblical books that they push through by other authors.
I have still not received the video I requested from Tyndale... They don't mail their products out until every review product has been requested, then they mail them out at the same time... So if nobody every requests the other copies, I will never get mine. And of course, I can't request something else from them until I have received and reviewed the DVD... How about that.
*Updated to add- while writing this blog post I got an e-mail letting me know that they just shipped my DVD... the one that I requested in November, yeah that one. It should arrive sometime in February...
(click here)
Blogging for Books has become my favorite blogging program thus far. Other than the fact that they can't simply give you the HTML code for their button... They expect you to copy the image URL or download it to your desktop and when you post it in your blog to link it to their site... But other than the button issue, they have some GREAT books and authors.
It appears that LitFuse has books from several different publishers. They e-mail you when a new book comes out and you can choose if you want to review it or not. This is is the start of the list of programs that I just found out about.
Bethany House also does E-mail alerts. You can sign up to receive them by clicking here I do not know if they have a working button for their bloggers or not...
Ligonier Ministries seems to be unique. You may request up to 2 PDF books at a time to review. Once your review is posted and approved they then send you the actual book... Once again, I could not find a working button, it may be available to their bloggers but I do not know. You can click here to get more info.
This program looks like it's handled almost entirely via e-mail. You e-mail them your info and what book you would like, they would then like you to complete the book in a couple of months if possible (this made me giggle). After you have finished it write a 200 word review to post on your blog, the product page at their website and a consumer retail website. Then e-mail them to let them know. Again, I didn't find a working button... so click here.
Visit Creation Conversations
Please note, I am not a member of Creation Conversations... this is the only button they have that works. Any who. This blogger review program has high expectations. You must post a minimum of 5x a month (okay, not so hard), and (this is where it gets me) have a social network audiance of over 1000... Seriously. This can include your facebook and twitter people in the count with your blog followers.
I personally would LOVE to review for Moody Publishers. They don't have a public review program. I have found a few bloggers who review for them, but you must contact them directly to find out information about obtaining review copies.
And in case any of my readers live in Canada, there is a program where Canadians can get free books to review called Penguin Group.
What about you? Do you know of any other review programs for Christians? Who do you review for? Do you like working with them?
thanks for posting, i might try signing for whichever's possible..yay, hoorah for book reviewing this 2011:)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing! I've thought about trying to do reviews this way, but I have a stack of books already waiting to be gotten to and I'm not sure that I'd keep up to well. Maybe one day...
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting all this information on book reviewing. I have not delved into all the review programs, yet, so this is quite helpful.
ReplyDeleteYou found a lot! I review for several places, haven't heard of some you mentioned. I got a new one in the mail today from Thomas Nelson and yesterday from Harvest House. I haven't heard from BEthany House in a long time, I need to contact them again. I love getting the books and then either save them, give them away on my blog, or donate them at library.
ReplyDeleteHow do you sign up to review from Harvest house? They publish GREAT books!
ReplyDeleteZondervan has a review program, but, like moody publishers, you have to contact them to learn about it.
ReplyDeleteThey also don't really have any contact with you - I received a single email with info about a month or two after first contacting them, and they have a sort of survey type thing to fill out once you post, but their program is worth it - there are oodles of books to choose from.