In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.
~Psalm 5:3
I was reading to one of my little girls the other day out of their tattern and torn book of prayers, when I stumbled across the above prayer. I'm sure that I have read it dozens, if not hundreds, of times (since the book is over 4 years old), but this time it held a new meaning. It wasn't simply just a prayer example for toddlers, it was one for me too.
What if I prayed that prayer each morning?
Mornings at our house are pretty hectic. I am not a morning person. It comes from having 2 daughters that still don't sleep through the night on a regular basis, and an elderly dog that has to be let out 4 times each night. Those might sound like excuses, but lack of sleep makes mornings difficult for me. Taking time for God is something that I long to do, no matter how my morning goes. I will admit that I can't always get to it. With running the boys to school, feeding the children breakfast, and any number of other things that pop up, mornings just never seem to go the way that I want them too. However, just stopping for 20 seconds to pray for God's will to be done, really can make all the difference, even on a busy day. I mean, everyone has 20 seconds right? Maybe I will type this up and tape it to the bathroom mirror...
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