Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday disruptions

This morning my family was all ready for church 20 minutes early! This is like a new best for us! I was totally excited. I needed to speak with one of the ladies at church about babysitting on Wednesday evening and now I could do it before service instead of after when everyone was trying to leave.

After we got the kids in the car, my husband ran back into the house for something, and got a call from work. It would only take a minute he said... Twenty minutes later he was ready to go. He had to walk one of his employees through something and it took longer than expected. No biggie, we were ahead of schedule anyway! We would still be on time!

Than it happened... one of his other employees sent him a text that said she wouldn't be at work today. She was suppose to be there 5 minutes before she sent the text... Long story short we never made it to church. We unloaded the kids and came back into the house.

Sundays like this are hard, but I am thankful that my husband has a job. However, it does encourage me to pray that God opens doors for our family soon. I know that God's timing is better than ours, and I am also praying for patience to wait for His timing. It's so tempting to come up with my own solution, but my own solutions all fall short. I know that His solution will be far more than I could ever ask for or imagine, and even if it's just something simple, it will be perfect because it will be His will.

--Oh and on a side note, my book from Book Sneeze came yesterday!

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