Wednesday, November 10, 2010

NaNoWriMo: Day 10

Today is day 10 of National Novel Writing Month. We are 1/3rd done with the month and I am slightly behind target on my novel. However, the last two scenes that I wrote came out very easily, and my story is sailing right along. I'm excited to write the next scene as well, however it is past my bed time, so I am yet again debating to write, or not to write... I am 373 words away from my daily word count goal and 650 words away from my cumulative word count goal. I was hoping to make that up today, but I just don't see it happening unless I can get through the next scene...

The next scene? Dean is taking Elizabeth house hunting and he has a surprise in store for her. Then they are all going to dinner over at his sisters home...

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