“A Year with God” by R.P. Nettelhorst
A Year with God by R.P. Nettelhorst is a 365 day Bible study tool. It has short daily Bible readings that are each accompanied by a commentary. It focuses on the Old Testament and more specifically on the words God spoke directly to people. It had a fabulous introduction, but the lack of an afterword was greatly noticed as the book ended rather abruptly.
There were some great readings included in this book, but the punctuation (or lack thereof) in this book made it hard for me to follow. That accompanied by the typos makes this a book I will not be recommending. It wasn’t challenging or inspiring, but there were a some really enlightening readings (however, I had to go back and read in my Bible the passage that was being referred to, for fear of mis-information... so I guess you could say the author made me think?).
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through BookSneeze.com, the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Worldview: Biblical
Target Audience: I would guess this book is intended for a busy person who has little biblical knowledge, but longs for more. If there weren’t a few major errors it would be great for a new believer.
Positive Elements: One of my favorite readings was day 256, I just loved the way he tackled an old wives tale and brought the truth to light with Scripture.
Inappropriate Language: None
Unbiblical Content: Just to name a couple (I think they were just typos) but day 4 (p. 23) said that when Jacob sent his sons to Egypt to get grain that one of them, Joseph, was imprisoned and wouldn’t be released unless he sent his youngest son… and on day 144 (p.169) it said God will now allow his word to be destroyed or undone by human actions. (I’m assuming it was supposed to say not instead of now…)
Other Negative Elements: The lack of punctuation…
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