Counsel from the Cross was amazingly written and really helped me to see the Gospel, and my life, in a whole new way. God has used this book to help change my focus from the things of this world (including myself), and move my focus to my Savior, and His love for me and for others. It has helped me to see that there are really only 2 ways that I should be looking at others, either they are my brothers and sisters in Christ, forgiven and loved by our Savior, or they are utterly lost and in need of the knowledge of our Savior. Who they are or what they do shouldn’t matter to me. All that should matter is “Christ Jesus and Him crucified.”
Worldview: Biblical
Target Audience: Christian counselors, or people looking for counsel
Positive Elements: Everything!
Inappropriate Language: None
Unbiblical Content: None
Other Negative Elements: None
*I read this book with my Women Discipling Women group. This book was not a book from booksneeze. However I finished it just in time for my new book from booksneeze to arrive! :)
Sounds like a good book! :)