It's October, that means that there is tons of talk of Halloween everywhere we turn. Last year was the first year that I realized that origins of Halloween and even dreamed that there was something wrong with celebrating it. I was so thankful that my husband had to work and I was allowed to stay home with my children. We passed out bags of candy with Scriptures taped to them, and in each bag was a thank-you card for the children to color and give to the adult that took them trick-or-treating. This year, my husband does not have to work. He would like to take the boys out, and sees trick-or-treating as harmless. I don't know what to think. I will not be going, I believe it is wrong, I would rather that we all stayed home and blessed others together. But he is the head of our home and I do not believe it is worth an argument...
Last year around this time was also when I first began to have the desire to homeschool our children. The public school that they were attending couldn't celebrate Halloween because it violated some peoples religion, and I was thankful for that, until they said that instead they would be celebrating the Day of the Dead... I was not okay with that! I spoke with the teacher and she assured me that they were just watching a presentation, but in the end they did a bone dance accompanied by a chant...
If any of you don't know that history behind Halloween, I encourage you to look it up. However, there is a TON of history there. The supposed Christian roots of Halloween would be All Saints Day, but even that isn't biblical. It is a day that the Catholics pray for the dead Saints as they believe they are in purgatory. They also pray to them, asking them to intercede on their behalf. However, the Bible clearly states that there is only ONE mediator between God and man and that is Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5). The Bible talks repeatedly about Christ interceding for us, but never asks us to pray to the dead asking them to intercede for us...
So I would like to ask you how your family handles Halloween. Do you trick-or-treat? Decorate? Discuss the history and talk about what is going on? I don't know what my children will be doing this year. Please pray that my husband and I get the opportunity to discuss it and I will be at peace no matter what the outcome.
The above picture was taken from this blog. It is accompanied by a great post about Halloween that I really recommend!
I didn't trick-or-treat when growing up. Sometimes my family went to a "Noah's Ark Party" at church. Also, it was my little brother's birthday, so we often just stayed home as celebrated as a family. :)