Thursday, June 16, 2011

Evil vs Truth

1 Corinthians 13:6 ~ Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

Have you ever delighted in evil? Maybe you don't think so, but delighting in evil can be as simple as spreading gossip. You hear something bad about someone, and you just can't wait to tell someone else... that's delighting in evil. It is delighting in evil when we choose to be happy when someone else is in trouble. It's delighting in evil when we attempt to gain happiness through sinful behavior.

On the flip side, most of us would say that we rejoice in the truth. What about if that truth is that our husband is leaving us for another woman, or that our precious baby has cancer? Would we still be able to rejoice in the truth? We could chose to, but it wouldn't be our natural fleshly response. It would only be a response, chosen by someone who loved God, and trusted Him with everything. In every situation, we can choose to rejoice in the truth. We can choose to focus on the good instead of the bad. That's how God loves us. He sees the good in us, and sent Jesus to cover the bad.

There are those times when the two seem to be one in the same. When a co-worker that you can't seem to get along with gets caught steeling from the company and is fired. We shouldn't rejoice that they lost their job, that would be delighting in evil, but we should be happy for the company that the culprit was apprehended. There is a fine line there, and the most important thing is our motives. We can usually weigh our own motives, and know when we need to check our behavior, the trick is to actually do so. Weighing our motives can be hard. We have to open ourselves up to the possibility that we not only aren't perfect, but that we are possibly sinning in something that makes us happy. It means we have to humble ourselves.

Love is humble. Not self-seeking, not delighting in evil, but rejoicing in truth, even if that truth is that we are in the wrong...

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